What are the alternatives?
No livestock, more PFCs.What does that mean? Many people want to improve the world. And that’s a good thing!Environmental activists, vegetarians and vegans in particular love nature and want to protect you in particular. But what is the alternative to the natural materials that are available to us today and would not exist without our […]
Life in the mountains
Life in the mountains Every year, a visitors, mountain climbers and hikers witness a marvellous spectacle when farmers and livestock move up to the alpine pastures on or around St. George’s Day on 24th April. The cattle remain on the high pastures for the summer until the come down again on St. Martin’s Day on […]
Farming can be extremely tough
Farming can be extremely tough It is a great pleasure to have such close contact with the animals and to know that the products derived from the strenuous alpine livestock farming are also valued by consumers. Farming in the mountains can be extremely tough. Our income is often hard-earned, for example because we are forced […]
Alm cattle have a good life
Alpine cattle at work Lush pastures and a bucolic scene aren’t just romantic daydreams. Without the grazing animals, the vegetation in the meadows would thin out and even become totally barren over the years. That’s why the animals that live on our mountains are not only beautiful to behold, they are also essential for the […]
Mountain pastures guarantee a wealth of species
Mountain pastures guarantee a wealth of species Working on the mountain slopes is extremely difficult, as virtually no machinery can be used. I work only for my animals. https://perwanger-leather/video/layout-Artenvielfalt-AdobeStock_289240399_Video_4K_Preview.mp4 Mountain pastures are home to biodiversity: marmots run and play among our cattle, and without our animal husbandry, instead of meadow, there would soon be nothing […]
Facts about leather
Facts about leather The “fifth quarter” is an interesting concept for farmers, because what you learn at school is that four quarters make a whole. If you have sold four quarters of beef, there is still a considerable amount left: The cowhide, horns and other by-products comprise the “fifth” quarter. The hide of my beef […]
What are the alternatives?
No livestock, more PFCs. What does that mean? Many people want to improve the world. And that’s a good thing!Environmental activists, vegetarians and vegans in particular love nature and want to protect you in particular. But what is the alternative to the natural materials that are available to us today and would not exist without […]